40 years at your service
In business for 40 years, Sable Marco was born in 1979, working as Sable Marco enr. Originally the company began its manufacturing activities by sieving the sand used for sandblasting and made all its distribution itself. This business segment will always be one of the most important for the company, which for the last few years has expanded its range of sanding products by adding Glass-Blast recycled glass. This allowed Sable Marco to distribute sandblasting products across Canada through most of the recognized auto parts retailers.
Image: From left to right: Martin Nadeau, Executive Vice President - Residential Construction at Sika Canada, Patrick Brière, President Sable Marco, Marius Cantin, Vice President of Sable Marco, and Eric Boucher, Executive Vice President -Operations at Sika Canada.
Our Little Story
In 1988, Sable Marco was incorporated and it was from there and due to a growing demand for pre-mixed products that Sable Marco Inc. was going to expand on a commercial level by expanding a new customer base: renovation, hardware, and garden centers. Sable Marco quickly developed its range of cement products, sands of all kinds, crushed and decorative stones and many others. Sable Marco now offers a full range of high-quality products for all seasons, with its own truck fleet for fast service, today distributing its products in hardware store such as Rona, Home Hardware, Timber Mart, Castle, BMR, Ace, Canac, along with other renovation and building materials centers, garden centers, pavers bricks and stones and auto parts distributors . To ensure continued growth and increase market share in Eastern Canada and the United States, Sable Marco continues to innovate in all areas of the business.
In March 2022, Sable Marco Inc. became part of the Sika family in Canada.
Our Mission / Passion
To offer our customers the quality products they are looking for, at competitive prices, while continuing to innovate and offer the highest level of customer service.
Sika Canada Inc. Company Profile
Sika Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Sika Group. The company develops and manufactures specialty construction products that provide a complete range of solutions for the building and civil engineering industry, including concrete repair, protection and structural reinforcement, sealing and bonding, waterproofing, admixtures and additives for concrete (RMC, precast concrete, shotcrete, etc.), industrial, commercial and institutional flooring and roofing systems.
Sika Canada is also active in the home improvement and consumer solutions market with a range of specific products. The Industrial Products Division develops sealing, bonding and protection solutions for the railway, automotive, truck, industrial body and other OEM markets, windshield replacement, shipbuilding, appliances and equipment, fenestration, etc.